October 19, 2019

AN1617: AAV critical quality attribute analysis by SEC-MALS

Biophysical characterization with SEC-MALS determines multiple CQAs of adeno-associated viruses bearing RNA or DNA payloads for gene therapy, including concentration, degree of aggregation and ratio of empty to full capsids. Read our application note to learn more.

October 2, 2019

E-book: Advancing HPLC/ UHPLC Analysis with Multi-Angle Light Scattering Technology

This E-book provides deeper insight into the capabilities of SEC-MALS for analysis of simple or conjugated proteins and their complexes, and linear or branched polymers, with HP-SEC or UHP-SEC, alongside the benefits of the new instruments.

August 17, 2019

WP9003: VLP Characterization with the Light Scattering Toolbox

A unique challenge is the need to distinguish between unincorporated protomers (capsid proteins), capsomeres (sub-units of the VLP), well-formed capsids (viral envelopes), and intermediate or malformed fragments. Light scattering for characterization of VLPs is covered in this white paper.

August 17, 2019

WP9005: ViscoStar – Innovations in Online Viscometry

Online viscometers measure the intrinsic viscosity of polymers, proteins and peptides in conjunction with GPC in order to characterize essential physico-chemical properties: the distributions of molar mass, size, conformation and branching ratio. Learn more by reading our white paper.