Multi-Angle News – November 2017


µSEC-MALS analysis of NIST mAb Reference Material

Read the recently published work by Wyatt Technology’s Dr. Philip Wyatt and Dr. Vincent Hsieh titled “Measuring proteins with greater speed and resolution while reducing sample size.”

"It's been over a decade since I attended LSU, but I still rely daily on concepts and techniques I learned there. As a professor I regularly refer new students to my LSU course materials to explain the basics of light scattering and SEC."

White Paper - µSEC-MALS for Polymers

Sometimes it seems as if proteins get all the attention when the topics of reduced sample volume and shorter run times come up. This new white paper describes how polymer scientists can benefit from µSEC-MALS for improved absolute polymer characterization.

Webinar - Tuesday, December 5

“Applications of Analytical Light Scattering in a Biophysics Core Facility"

Presented by Ewa Folta-Stogniew, Ph.D. 
Director, Keck Biophysical Resources, 
Yale University School of Medicine