Structural evidence for feedback activation by Ras-GTP of the Ras-specific nucleotide exchange factor SOS

This National Academy of Sciences team led by Professor Kuriyan discovered a highly conserved Ras binding site on SOS. It is also shown that Ras-GTP forms ternary complexes with SOScat in solution. A DAWN and an Optilab were used extensively to characterize their purified SOS complexes as well as verify the theoretically calculated values. Their research indicates the existence of a positive feedback mechanism for the spatial and temporal regulation of Ras.

Margarit, S. M.; Sondermann, H.; Hall, B. E.; Nagar, B.; Hoelz, A.; Pirruccello, M.; Bar-Sagi, D.; Kuriyan, J. Cell  2003, 112, 685-695. DOI: 10.1016/S0092-8674(03)00149-1